Exploring Natural Dyes

Oct 23, 2022 | Uncategorized, Workshops

Price Reduced. Now just $30, ($25.50 for members!)

Join AKG and SEFAA members for a fun, relaxed time, dying yarns with colors extracted from nature: fungi, leaves, nuts, flowers. Create your own one-of-a-kind color! What special knit will you make from it? All materials are included. You just need to bring your imagination! Also, bring a WIP while we’re watching those cauldrons bubble.

The event is being held at Southeast Fiber Arts Alliance (SEFAA), 3420 W Hospital Ave, Atlanta 30341. Dye will start simmering at 9:00, and the dye-ing begins at 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (ish) on Saturday, Nov 5. Register here. https://atlantaknittingguild.orgevent/natural-dye-workshop/

Members, remember to log in first for the member discount.