Charity knitTing

Making for Others is at the Heart of the AKG


AKG Members Knit it Forward

From our founding, a core activity of AKG knitters has been making items to donate to others in need.  Our members make hats, scarves, blankets and other projects for our neighbors who are experiencing difficulties. We do this not just so they are more comfortable, but also because we care enough to take the time to make something special and unique just for them.

We work with a number of nonprofits in the Atlanta area who are nominated by members and vetted by the Community Outreach Committee. If you would like to nominate a nonprofit organization to receive hand-made donations from AKG members, please complete the Charity Nomination Form.

For anyone interested in making knitted projects to donate, we have a number of patterns available as well as guidelines for making them on our Charity Pattern page.

Current Nonprofit Partners

AKG selects a variety of charities to work with to distribute hand made donations from our members to our neighbors.  These groups are nominated by members, researched and approved by the Community and Outreach Committee, and serve a range of needs. Our members also donate to a wide range of other charities that they care about. 

Northside Hospital

Premature infants  often have trouble keeping themselves warm, so our members kni items to help them, such as hats, booties and blankets.  We partner with Northside Hospital of Atlanta, which has intensive care facilities for up to 125 premature babies. See the Charity Pattern section for patterns and guidelines for donations.

Georgia Center for Child Advocacy

AKG has partnered for years with the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy to comfort and counsel children after experiencing abuse or other trauma.  We knit items to make an assortment of stuffed animals special. To provide a sense of security, each child can pick the unique one he or she wants. Since 2015, Guild members have dressed about 3,000 animals.

Emory Winship Cancer Center

AKG members make lapghans, blankets and shawls to keep patients more comfortable and warm during their treatment at the Emory Winship Cancer Center.  We proudly support them in ensuring that no one needs to leave the State of Georgia to receive the best cancer treatment. 

Helping Mamas

Helping Mamas is the baby supply bank for Georgia, providing critical child and baby items, like diapers, wipes, car seats, cribs and clothing, to women and their children. Our members knit blankets, hats, toys and other items to support young families in the community.

Other ORganizations AKG Members Support

AKG members support dozens of causes that are important to them by donating the projects they make.  The charities receiving these hand-made contributions include:

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Hughes Spalding ~ Foster Care Support Foundation ~ Foster Care to Success ~ Hats for Sailors ~ Hospice Atlanta ~ International Rescue League ~ Warm Up America!