Nominations are Open for AKG Committees and Officers

Our annual election is approaching.  Know someone who wants to be more involved?  Volunteer yourself or suggest a friend that you know is interested, for any of the AKG positions. Multiple submissions are fine.

Want to be involved in AKG?

We are an all-volunteer group, and to keep our monthly programs, social knitting events, charity work, library lending, social media, Zoom, and organization running, everyone is needed!  All skills, any amount of time are welcome.  You won’t be alone – you’ll be joining an existing Committee with your knitterly friends.  (Scroll down to learn more about each Committee.) Some examples of how to engage:

Recognize faces? Be the greeter at the Thursday meeting and check people in at the door.  Welcome new members and guests when you join the Membership (ScrCommittee.

Good with Zoom?  Help open and moderate the Zoom sessions by joining the Programs Committee.

Like numbers? Are you a CPA or experienced bookkeeper?  Join the Board as Treasurer.

Enjoy our books? Help manage the library and check in/out books at the meeting by joining the Membership Committee.

Into WordPress, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook?  Join our Communications Committee.

Want to inspire others to learn to knit, or to knit for others? Join our Outreach Committee.


11 + 4 =

Learn more about our Committee and Officers